Law Firms and the Legal Profession

Lawyers and law firms acutely influence culture and public discourse. Firms shape the next generation of legal minds. Many of the men and women in positions of influence across public and private institutions are legally trained. The way that firms approach their work and the variety of incentives that influence their decisions should be examined closely.

Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession, Law Schools and Universities
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Open Minds: Prof. Randy Barnett & Prof Joshua Kleinfeld Part II
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession, Law Schools and Universities
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Open Minds with Prof. Richard Epstein and Prof. Todd Zywicki Part II
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession, Law Schools and Universities
Audio, Video
Open Minds with Prof. Richard Epstein and Prof. Todd Zywicki Part I
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession, The Technology Sector
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Open Minds with Jay Edelson and James Burnham
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession, Law Schools and Universities
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On Building a Courageous and Effective Career [2024 Freedom of Thought NLC Panel]
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession, Law Schools and Universities
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11/11 Webinar: Working as a Conservative on the Other Side of the V
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession, Law Schools and Universities
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11/8 Webinar: Academic Freedom and “Professional Norms”: The Amy Wax Affair and Freedom of Thought in Higher Education
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession
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Preserving Judicial Independence in a Time of Political Division
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession, Law Schools and Universities, The Corporate World, The Technology Sector
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2024 Freedom of Thought Conference: Corporate Rights and Individual Liberties
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession
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Open Minds: A New Approach for Putting Conservativism into Practice Part 1
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession, Law Schools and Universities
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Open Minds with James Burnham & Jonathan Mitchell Part II
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession, Law Schools and Universities
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Open Minds with James Burnham & Jonathan Mitchell Part I
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession
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Work Different: The Path to Impact Litigation
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession
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A conversation within the right: Why isn’t there a larger conservative plaintiffs’ bar?
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession, Law Schools and Universities, The Corporate World, The Technology Sector
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2023 Freedom of Thought Conference
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession
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Does Litigation Finance Disclosure Threaten National Security? A Debate from the Right
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession
Post, Video
Lawyer Shaming: Legal Ethics, the Rule of Law, and Equal Access to Justice
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession, Law Schools and Universities
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Open Minds: Applying Libertarian Convictions in The Real World
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession
Audio, Video
Work Different: Finding The Opportunities That Match Your Priorities
Freedom of Thought, Law Firms and the Legal Profession
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Remembering Judge Silberman
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